
Project Showcase

Discord Music Bot

Discord music bot using Node.js and Typescript. The audio channel was implemented using Lavalink. I also used an OOP approach when it comes to the overall app design.

The Challenge

My friends challenged me to build a music discord bot for our server, and I thought it would be a very fun side project!

There are many options to fetch music with node.js such as using ffmpeg and the youtube API - but I went with Lavalink as it offers a more performant service.

Here were some challenges:

  • Integrating typescript for bug-free code
  • Installing lavalink server
  • Using erela.js as a client for Lavalink
  • Building a music command from scratch
  • Building a playlist command from scratch
  • Saving the users playlists in MongoDB
  • Built With

    • Node.js - Javascript runtime
    • Dicsord.js - JS library
    • Erela.js - Lavalink client
    • MongoDB - Document database
    • Typescript