
Project Showcase

Manage landing page

Full website design of a product management service. I’ve built the site from scratch using Next.js and TailwindCSS. This site also features beautiful scroll and javascript animations.

The Challenge

I designed this landing page and wanted to build it using new technologies that I've never tried before.

So I went with TailwindCSS for styling. As a developer who uses SCSS as a tool of choice for styles, I was highly amazed by how tailwind speeds things up.

Here were some challenges:

  • View the optimal layout for each page depending on the device's screen size.
  • Providing all the content from GraphCMS (images, titles, descriptions etc.)
  • Implementing a working testimonial slider on all screen sizes.
  • Beautiful scroll, javascript & css animations.
  • Built With

    • Apollo-client and GraphQL
    • GraphCMS - Headless CMS
    • React - JS library
    • Next.js - React framework
    • TailwindCSS - CSS framework
    • AOS - animation library